Quality Assurance

Quality Control

All the components machined are subject to strict inspection and adherence to tolerances specified in the drawings. SMW has a comprehensive Quality Control Setup and the emphasis is laid on minimizing the cumulative error in the final assembly of the machine to the barest minimum. SMW has sophisticated measuring instruments and is capable of measuring to accuracies below 0.001mm

Assembly & Testing

All the components having cleared the inspection are taken up for assembly. SMW has a dedicated dust free assembly set up. The assembly is scientifically carried as per design using special pneumatic and mechanical aids.

Integrating of electronic (CNC & PLC) is done by Qualified Electronic Engineers. The CNC Panel is programmed and configured to make it user friendly. The emphasis is on user friendly operation at the time of programming the machine hardware.

The assembled machines are subject to rigorous testing for the set parameters like back clash, consistency, accuracy etc. Actual machining is done with GOLD to verify the final product and outcome. We are probably one of the few companies who actually test their machines with GOLD.